
I'm Jason, a web application developer in East Tennessee.

Factory Girl Associations and Records Persisting Across Tests

I just recently started to adopt test driven development practices. The project I’m working on needs to get done soon, and I didn’t want to get held up learning Rspec. After much consulting with other developers at the company I work for, I had decided to use basic Test::Unit tests with FactoryGirl factories instead of fixtures, and adopt Shoulda if a scenario arises where the options it provides (contexts) are needed.

So far things have been running well, and I’m starting to understand just how important testing is. You don’t have to write tests for every single thing you do, but if you implement some sort of feature that you seriously don’t want to break at some point in the future, setup a test for it. Once you setup a test for one type of feature, you can re-use the code later for similar testing. So don’t worry about how long it takes the first time around, it will pay off later when that function isn’t broken because you caught it. I didn’t realize it, but errors you didn’t expect it to directly catch, like the dreaded “undefined method ‘foo’ for nil:NilClass” exception, also popup periodically and alert you that you broke something, even though your test wasn’t built to catch those. This is nice because you might change something in a model, and then all of a sudden something in a view is broken.

Earlier today I had a new functional test I wrote fail because it was expecting a view to render an index of child records that Factory Girl wasn’t creating. For this example ‘User’ has multiple ‘Posts’, and the post records belonging to the user weren’t being generated. I expected that FactoryGirl was ActiveRecord aware, and would simply create the dependent post records, but that’s not the case. Much research online, sifting through articles with the older syntax used by previous version of FactoryGirl, led to much confusion. For a bit I was thinking that one needs to declare associations for children, instead of parents, and then use Factory.create on the highest level parent so that all the children records are generated before your test. This wasn’t the case.

It turns out that you should only use associations to define the relationship inside of a child factory for it’s parent, not the other way around. If you do it the other way around, you’ll end up getting ‘stack level too deep’ errors. I expected that perhaps there would be some sort of way of defining that a factory should create or build the children records, which are defined separately, but for practicality it doesn’t seem this is the case. Instead, Factory Girl expects you to use the ‘after_create’ callback to cause associated children records to be created. I guess this makes sense, as it would be too redundant to create multiple factories in a separate file, much like you define child fixtures. Its more encapsulated to generate the children with the parent in the same code block.

factory :user do
  association :group
  name "John Smith"
  created_at "2011-04-11 12:00:00"
  factory :user_with_posts do

    # default to 5 posts
    ignore do
      posts_count 5

    after_create do |user, evaluator|
      FactoryGirl.create_list(:post, evaluator.posts_count, user: user)


The above declaration would allow one to create a user with 5 posts by default, or create one with 15 posts instead. Ironically enough, I figured this out by referring to the official FactoryGirl GETTING STARTED docs, after searching elsewhere on the internet.

FactoryGirl.create(:user).posts.length # 0
FactoryGirl.create(:user_with_posts).posts.length # 5
FactoryGirl.create(:user_with_posts, posts_count: 15).posts.length # 15

I’ve been creating factories instead of fixtures, using factories exclusively in my application. I assumed that somehow when I ran tests that Test::Unit and/or FactoryGirl would automatically create and destroy the records which are created for each test, so that there is a clean slate each time an individual test is run. Further investigation pointed to the term being ‘transactional’, with a deprecated ‘use_transactional_fixtures’ setting that was declared as either TRUE or FALSE for ActiveSupport::TestCase. It appears this is the default now for tests.

Once I added a factory that generates a parent with children records, I had another controller test report an error where the assert_select didn’t find the form with ID I had expected. That ID was for one of the children records, with a form expected using id “edit_message_1”, but was instead getting “edit_message_41”. Further investigation suggested that records are persisting across tests.

Then I inspected log/test.log, and saw that there were transactional commands occurring with BEGIN and ROLLBACK commands used by MySQL.

   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
   (0.1ms)  SAVEPOINT active_record_1
  SQL (0.2ms)  INSERT INTO `posts` (`title`, `body`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('Foo', 'This is Foo', '2012-04-12 03:56:24', '2012-04-12 03:56:24')
   (0.1ms)  RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1
   (0.1ms)  SAVEPOINT active_record_1
  SQL (0.2ms)  DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`id` = 1
   (0.1ms)  RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1
   (0.4ms)  ROLLBACK

And yet for each ID of each record created by Factory Girl the number was incremented each time. I was perplexed why the tests were transactional, however the ID’s were being incremented. I’m using MySQL 5.5.19, with InnoDB tables, so the transactional commands being used should be supported.

I then spoke with a co-worker and he informed me that the tests do use transactions, so the records are removed after each test. The transactional queries however do not stop the MySQL database from auto-incrementing the ID for the other additional records. He advised that I simply not write the tests to rely on a specific ID, but instead rely on something static in the view like the class name for an element, or that there is the correct number of elements for a given class.

Further more he recommended not relying on view testing so much via the Functional/Controller tests and to instead do more of that via integration or acceptance tests, such as those using Capybara to do a full-stack test from the browser perspective.

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