
I'm Jason, a web application developer in East Tennessee.

Add a Serialized Hash Attribute to a Factory_Girl Definition

I recently declared an ActiveRecord model which stores a serialized Hash inside of a text field. When I tried to setup a factory for this model using FactoryGirl, I received many syntax errors. This is because FactoryGirl attributes expect a single value or a certain form of code block.

factory :post do
    title        "Example Post"
    body         "This is the body of the example post"
    meta         { "version" => 2 }
    created_at   "2012-06-01 17:53:13"

To include a hash as an attribute of a factory, declare the Hash separately and then simply assign it directly in the factory definition.

meta_hash = { :version => 2 }
  factory :post do
    title        "Example Post"
    body         "This is the body of the example post"
    meta         meta_hash
    created_at   "2012-06-01 17:53:13"

As Joshua Clayton pointed out, one could also do the following:

factory :post do
  title        "Example Post"
  body         "This is the body of the example post"

  meta         { { version: 2 } }
  # or
  meta({ version: 2 })

  created_at   "2012-06-01 17:53:13"
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