
I'm Jason, a web application developer in East Tennessee.

  1. Updating Vue-Loader to v15 with Webpacker

    I recently decided to jump into working with VueJS again within the context of a project I’m working on that uses Rails 5 with Webpacker.

    I upgraded Webpacker from v3.6 to v4.2.2, Vue from v2.5.16 to v2.6.11, and Vue-Loader from v14.2.2 to v15.9.0.

    After making this update I got the following error:

  2. Fixing audio for Steam (Rust) on Mac OS X Mojave

    Recently I bought a new Macbook Pro running Mojave. I found myself unable to get the microphone to work for the in-game voice chat using the ‘v’ key.

    The closest solution I could find was mentioned in this article:

    This article was oriented towards League of Legends, so I had to modify the commands used to enable this for steam.

  3. Fixing file and directory permissions recursively

    Often I find myself downloading ZIP files, and after unarchiving them all the files have totally incorrect permissions such as 777 for all files and folders.

  4. Amazon Web Services

    This article documents my exploration of Amazon Web Services (AWS).


    The first service publically offered by Amazon in 2004 was Amazing Simple Queue Service (SQS), a distributed message queueing service. Message queuing helps provide communications between applications/services, with the concern or risk of requests (messages) being lost or overburdening the systems processing the messages.

    Thereafter AWS was relaunched offering Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

  5. Jumpstart Guide to Ansible


    This guide will help you get started on using Ansible, an open-source tool you can use to automate and maintain the software and configurations of your Linux systems, as well as handle custom software deployments.

    Ansible is programmed in Python, however you do not need to know Python to use it. You may need to gain an understanding of YAML, Jinja templates, and/or read the Ansible Project Documentation.

  6. Sidekiq with Cloud66

    I had to configure a Rails application using Sidekiq as the background job processor with Cloud66 recently.

    We’re currently only using Cloud66 with our staging server. The following configuration in a Procfile in the root of our repository with the following configuration worked fine.

  7. SSH issues with Mac OS X High Sierra

    A coworker of mine was reporting an issue with SSH after updating to Mac OS X High Sierra.

    $ ssh server-alias-hostname
    Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching cipher found. Their offer: blowfish-cbc,aes256-cbc

    You can view a list of supported ciphers by running ssh -Q cipher.

  8. Markdown Links and 80 Character Line Length

    I’ve long been a fan of using Markdown for documentation in projects hosted on Github. In October of 2014 I decided to migrate from a Wordpress blog to Github Pages, which is powered by limited Jekyll functionality on the Github server side.

    With this migration I converted all my articles from HTML to Github Flavored Markdown (GFM), which resulted in much better support for formatting my code examples, tables, strikethrough text formatting, and emojii.

  9. Fitter Happier

    say -v fred "Fitter"
    say -v fred "happier"
    say -v fred "More productive"
    say -v fred "Comfortable"
    say -v fred "Not drinking too much"
    say -v fred "Regular exercise at the gym"
    say -v fred "three days a week"
    say -v fred "Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries"
    say -v fred "At ease"
    say -v fred "Eating well"
    say -v fred "no more microwave dinners and saturated fats"
    say -v fred "A patient, better driver"
    say -v fred "A safer car"
    say -v fred "baby smiling in back seat"
    say -v fred "Sleeping well, no bad dreams"
    say -v fred "No paranoia"
    say -v fred "Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole"
    say -v fred "Keep in contact with old friends, enjoy a drink now and then"
    say -v fred "Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall"
    say -v fred "favours for favours"
    say -v fred "fond but not in love"
    say -v fred "Charity standing orders"
    say -v fred "on sundays ring-road supermarket"
    say -v fred "No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants"
    say -v fred "Car wash, also on sundays"
    say -v fred "No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows"
    say -v fred "nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate"
    say -v fred "Nothing so childish"
    say -v fred "At a better pace"
    say -v fred "slower and more calculated"
    say -v fred "No chance of escape"
    say -v fred "Now self-employed"
    say -v fred "Concerned, but powerless"
    say -v fred "An empowered and informed member of society, pragmatism not idealism"
    say -v fred "Will not cry in public"
    say -v fred "Less chance of illness"
    say -v fred "Tires that grip in the wet, shot of baby strapped in backseat"
    say -v fred "A good memory"
    say -v fred "Still cries at a good film"
    say -v fred "Still kisses with saliva"
    say -v fred "No longer empty and frantic"
    say -v fred "Like a cat"
    say -v fred "Tied to a stick"
    say -v fred "That's driven into"
    say -v fred "Frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness"
    say -v fred "Calm"
    say -v fred "fitter"
    say -v fred "healthier"
    say -v fred "and more productive"
    say -v fred "A pig"
    say -v fred "in a cage, on antibiotics"

  10. FileMerge (also known as opendiff)

    Recently a developer colleague of mine was asking about diff tools. We let him know that he can use Homebrew to install a ported version of the ‘diff’ tool provided by GNU utils.

    An expensive alternative is Kaleidoscope app, which looks great but might be overkill for our purposes.